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La sombrilla grande (The Big Umbrella)

La sombrilla grande (The Big Umbrella)

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PAPERBACK- By the door, there is an umbrella. It is big. It is so big that when it starts to rain there is room for everyone underneath. It doesn’t matter if you are tall. Or plaid. Or hairy. It doesn’t matter how many legs you have.

Don’t worry that there won’t be enough room under the umbrella. Because there will always be room.

Lush illustrations and simple, lyrical text subtly address themes of inclusion and tolerance in this sweet story that accomplished illustrator Amy June Bates cowrote with her daughter, Juniper, while walking to school together in the rain.

Al lado de la puerta delantera hay una sombrilla. Es grande. Es tan grande que cuando comienza a llover hay espacio para todos debajo de ella. No importa si eres alta. O si llevas ropa a cuadros. O si eres peludo. No importa cuántas piernas o patas tienes.

No te preocupes de que no habrá suficiente espacio bajo la sombrilla. Porque siempre habrá espacio.

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Item: 6801A